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Town men's and mixed finals


Updated: Aug 31, 2023

Gildredge Park Bowls club was well represented at the finals weekend on the 26th/27th August held at Parade Bowls Club on the seafront. We had finalists in the Lifeboat singles, the men's pairs, the veteran's pairs, the Australian pairs, the mixed pairs, the men's triples, and the Tolley Bowl.

Photo: Our finalists L to R: Arthur, Chris, Duncan, Chris, John, Ian, Rob, Andy, Ray, George, Gill, Ellen. Not shown: Chris Ford, Andy Wratten, Ken Wratten, Charlie Gowler

Congratulations to our three winners. John Morris and George Murray were victorious in the men's pairs. Rob Ramsden won the Lifeboat singles.

Photo: The winners L to R with Francois Celada (sponsor): Rob Ramsden Lifeboat singles; George Murray and John Morris Men's pairs

Our other finalists put in good performances to claim the runner-ups prizes.

  • Duncan Pickering and Arthur Strevens in the men’s veterans pairs

  • Jill and Andy Seymour and George Murray in the mixed triples.

  • Ellen Strevens and Arthur Strevens in the Australian pairs

  • Gill Seymour and Rob Ramsden in the mixed pairs

  • The Tolley Bowl team representing the club's B/C league teams had had a great run to reach the final and deserve particular congratulations. Well done to Ian Dixon, Chris Willing, Chris Leverentz, Ray Jeffs, Chris Ford, Andy Wratten, Ken Wratten, and Charlie Gowler.

Photo L to R: Gill, Andy and George in the mixed triples; Duncan and Arthur in the veteran's pairs; Ellen and Arthur in the Australian pairs

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