Hot weather and hot bowling at the club finals saw members battle for honours in fifteen different competitions, morning and afternoon, on Saturday and Sunday 9/10th September 2023. Record temperatures for September tested everyone as the thermometer stayed in the high 20s throughout. Ample fluids and regular breaks in the matches meant everyone kept well and the finals were completed as scheduled.
Competitions secretaries Ellen Strevens and Rob Ramsden had worked hard all year running the competitions. The club has a great range of competitions which drew over 90 different members each entering one or more of the knockout formats. The John Batten league ran as a mixed competition for the first time in 2023. A large entry led to 17 teams tussling all season to try to top the league.
Read right through to find all the results, a couple of interesting "Did you knows" ,
a special celebration, and a final few crumbs of cake!
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Photos: L to R Rob and Ellen getting the trophies ready. As well as the cups there were engraved souvenir glasses for all the winners and runners-up.; A view of the action with Eve's 90th birthday flowers in the foreground; Ellen and Rob with finals umpire Dorothy Bromiley.

Photo: The finalists
A special celebration
During the weekend a special cake was presented to Eve Goldsmith to celebrate her 90th birthday. Eve has been a member of the club for over 30 years.

Eve has been Captain and President, she is a life member, has helped organise Eastbourne town competitions, and has won numerous championships. Eve still bowls to an amazingly high standard and remains a key member of the club ladies’ teams. You can click on the picture to bring up a large scale view of the beautifully decorated cake which was bought by the club members all contributing.
The John Batten league and the achievement award
Men’s vice captain Andy Roberts presented awards to the winners of the John Batten Thursday league. All the results and the final league table are posted in the clubhouse.
Did you know? The John Batten league is named after club member John Batten who started this triples league with Ken Ford in 1994. It ran on a Tuesday afternoon and in the first full season eight teams competed with the "silver" team winning and the "yellow" team coming second. 2024 will be the 30th anniversary of the league.

Photo: Members of the winning John Batten Thursday league team: L to R Mike Hunnisett, Eve Goldsmith, Colin Couch, Cheryl Davies, Peter Jacobson with David Forge Club President
Club Chair Jo Doust presented the Chair’s Achievement award to Colin Hunt and Arthur Strevens in recognition of their unstinting efforts in helping maintain the club throughout the year.

Jo commented ”….. our club is run by volunteers and dozens of people help with all sorts of things throughout the year. We couldn’t be the club we are without all these volunteers and I wish I had twenty of these trophies to give…and that still wouldn’t be enough! But Colin and Arthur deserve special recognition for their unstinting efforts to help keep the club going throughout the year. They give their time freely and just get on with fixing things without a fuss. Their skill and knowledge is superb. From seats to fences, from windows to steps, from electrics to valves, from walls to cement, the list is endless. Thank you Arthur and Colin”.
The results (winners in bold)
(trophies presented by competition secretaries Ellen Strevens and Rob Ramsden, Club Chair Jo Doust, vice-President Eileen Harris, President David Forge)

Mixed pairs:
Cath Lock and Jeff Barnes
Gill Seymour and Rob Ramsden

Men’s pairs:
John Hennock and Duncan Pickering
John Morris and Colin Couch

Foundation Cup:
David Shepherd
Bob Hapgood

Ladies’ handicap:
Carol Forge
Cathy Greenwood

Champion of champions:
Jenny Townsend
Rob Ramsden

Fixed jack:
Andy Seymour
Jo Doust

Aussie pairs:
Cath Greenwood Mary Bowley
Paul Boyland Jeff Barnes

Men’s handicap:
Craig McKernon
Arthur Strevens

Men’s triples:
Jeff Barnes, Les Morgan, David Forge
Howard Medway, Jo Doust, Colin Couch

Coronation cup:
Carol Jeffs
Bev Jones

Jack Butcher:
Chris Willing
Craig McKernon
Did you know?: The Jack Butcher cup was presented by Jack's daughter Pat Bruce in 1976 in memory of her father, a past captain and secretary of GPBC. Jack also served as a churchwarden at St Elisabeth's and helped at Ashridge Circle meetings. An obituary include the words "A good skip, a good player and a gentleman".

Ladies’ championship:
Jenny Townsend
Anita Dixon

Men’s championship:
George Murray
Rob Ramsden

Ladies’ seniors:
Cathy Greenwood
Carol Jeffs

Men’s seniors:
Duncan Pickering
Russell Calderwood
And so the weekend ended. The champions were crowned, the greens tidied up, the last celebratory drinks downed, cake was eaten (and just a little bit remained for Eve to take home!)
