Our club competition organisers faced the very welcome challenge of sorting out the schedule when faced with ninety one (!!) different members who had entered one or more club competions in 2022.
With the new season just around the corner, the club held a "draw night" on Monday 21st March. Ohs, Ahs, groans and cheers were heard as the draws progressed and the first round battles identified.
The ladies' list of entrants and numbers. There was a similar list of the men's entrants. For each competion the numbers of those entered were collected ready to go into the draw bag. Two complete sets of numbers from 1 to 91 were used. Whilst one competition was being drawn, the numbers were prepared for the next draw.
Men's captain Wilf Carter excitedly wondering who will be next-out-of-the-bag as ladies' captain Sandra Mackay draws the next number.
In the backgound are Marilyn and Brian, who worked tirelessly with Ellen through the evening checking names and numbers, and entering the draw results
MC George Murray kept the evening rolling along as each of the competions were drawn.
The crowd were kept refreshed. The bar was open, teas and coffee available, and half-time saw hot finger food plated up.
The organisers
L to R: Brian Whittaker (Men's vice-captain), Marilyn Doust (club secretary), Ellen Strevens (Ladies vice-captain), Wilf Carter (Men's captain), Sandra Mackay (Ladies' captain), George Murray (MC).
Brian Whittaker had prepared grids and entry numbers for all the competitions. The numbers, draw bags, and all the careful preparatory work meant the draws were rigorous and fair.
Preparing the numbers for the triples draw and handicapping balancing
The general opinion was that the draw night had been enjoyable and worthwhile. There are a few small tweaks that will make it better, but it will probably run again next year.
The competition schedules will be published shortly. There will be copies in the clubhouse and on the club's website.
Thank you to everyone who helped sort out the competions this year. And thank you to all the members who have entered. There will be some exciting matches. Good luck everyone!