Sunday 12th September saw a packed day at Gildredge Park Bowls Club as club members battled to be crowned winners in over a dozen categories. The green stewards had arrived before 8.30 to set up the green. Drawn pairs and mixed pairs started the day at 9.30 followed by the men's veterans, the 2 wood yardstick and the fixed jack to complete the morning session. The afternoon saw the championship singles, novices singles, ladies 2 wood pairs, 4 wood handicap, triples, and the champion of champions.
A large crowd of spectators enjoyed a fine day of bowling, the trophies were all ready, Ian and Anita were busy behind the bar, and the kitchen provided tea, coffee and home made cakes to raise funds for St Wilfred's hospice. Particular thanks to Chris Leverentz and Ellen Strevens for organising the competitions.
The matches were contested with serious intent as bowlers sought to win the coverted titles, but as always at Gildredge Park Bowls Club, there was a spirit of friendliness and fair play.

John Morris studies the head in the men's veterans against Tony Ryan with Rob Ramsden as marker

"What next?" ponder Arthur Strevens and Carole Forge in their drawn pairs against Jet Tait and Wilf Carter

Tony Ryan looks on as Rob Ramsden takes a careful measure
And so to the results................a packed clubhouse waited expectantly for the presentations to begin. Introductory speeches gave thanks to all the markers, to umpire Dorothy Bromiley, to the tea and bar staff, to the green ranger, and the green stewards. And to Chris and Ellen for organisation.
Players and spectators were reminded that this was the finals day and all the competitors had won through rounds of preliminaries to reach this day. Everyone should feel proud - whether a winner or runner-up. It had been a day of wonderful bowls, and the closeness of many of the matches reflected well on the skills of the bowlers.

Here are just a few of the winners and runners-up. Full results below.
Mens veterans: Winner Tony Ryan (21 to 18). Runner up John Morris
Drawn pairs: Winners Arthur Strevens and Carole Forge (21 to 17). Runners-up Jet Tait and Wilf Carter
2 wood yardstick: Winner George Murrey (14 to 10). Runner-up Duncan Pickering
Fixed jack: Winner Jenny Townsend (81 to 69). Runner-up Cathy Greenwood
Mixed pairs: Winners Bev Jones and John Symonds (22 to 17). Runners-up Val Butler and Doug Owen
Novices: Winner Oliver Sterno (21 to 19). Runner-up Ian Dixon
Championship; Winner Jenny Townsend (21 to 11). Runner-up Andy Seymour
Ladies 2 wood pairs: Winners Val Butler and Mal Rossell (21 to 16). Runners-up Marlene Gallagher and Carol Heasman
4 wood handicap: Winner Jo Doust (21 to 19). Runner-up Tony Ryan
Triples: Winners Arthur Strevens, Reg Gillam and Duncan PIckering (15 to 5). Runners-up David Pipe, Ros Pickering, Colin Couch
Champion of Champions: Winner Cathy Greenwood (22 to 19). Runner-up John Morris
Trophies were also presented to the winners and runners-up of the Thursday leagues for men and women
Yet another succesful year for Gildredge Park Bowls Club. Roll on 2022!